Welcome back to the 90's Video Studio!
Today we're going to talk about S-VHS and other Video Cassettes
Stages of cassettes:
These are the most commonly used Cassette systems
some of them are analog some of them are digital
The standard VHS is for everyday recording or to record family and friends gathering
S-VHS is the starting of low broadcast quality
Betacam is the most commonly used cassette for broadcast streaming
and save archives in amazingly high quality on tape
and keep them for a very long time, because betacam is
widely know for it's safe information keeping
Believe or not they still use this cassettes in many video studios
because it still gives more than a broadcast standard picture
But let's get back to S-VHS, in the end of the 80's and the beginning of the 90's
S-VHS camcorders went viral because of their beautiful picture and
clear sound, and broadcast ready status
Many television changed their simple VHS camcorders to S-VHS
Although the cameras were quite pricey the manufacturers
sold loads of them even for people just to film their everyday life
Click here to purchase S-VHS tapes and players
Thanks you for reading!
Best, the team